Friday, January 12, 2007

Innovation Inbox #1

What if things weren't what they seemed or if natural was cool. These are some things that I like today.

Photo Printing on Leaves

Grand Illusions

What is it: Print lasting portraits on leaves in a process similar to printing real photos

Bona Fide: Imagine leaves reigning down on you with moving images on them of a football player throwing a touchdown or a liquor bottle swigging from side to side with a link to the URL. Effective, bio-degradable and unique

Converse Russia


What is it: A fun and worthwhile journey of Converse Russia’s new website

Bona Fide: Great imagery and fun to explore

What If Google and Yahoo Switched Designers?

Company: GoogleWatch

What is it: What the ultra clean Google user interface might look like if they did things the Yahoo way

Bona Fide: Gives you an idea of how Google really is a "portal," and how well all its apps fit together into a more work-oriented Yahoo start page.

Self-Cleaning Sportswear

Company: Technovelgy

What is it: Self-cleaning fabric

Bona Fide: The same technology, created by scientists working for the U.S. Air Force, has already been used to create t-shirts and underwear that can be worn hygenically for weeks without washing

Music in the Rain - DAP Umbrella

AP umbrella

What is it: an umbrella with embedded speakers

Bona Fide: Another example of a trend towards presenting ways to listen to personal music that aren’t too intrusive, without having to plug in headphones

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